Try these tips for reducing the amount of stress you feel at work.
Work related stress is a serious concern, as anxiety or anger can have harmful effects on your job performance. To make matters work, neglecting to identify what causes stress throughout the day also has an impact on everyday health.
There are many small steps you can take that reduce any negative feelings. Over time, these tips can help reduce your stress levels at work:
Find ways to be more mindful
Work-related stress can lead to headache, insomnia, over-eating and many other serious issues. The American Psychological Association reported that this is often made worse because many people ignore or underestimate the dangers of chronic stress. Many people feel pressure or worry at their work, and there’s no reason to deny your own feelings of anxiety or tension.
“Becoming angry or agitated could compound any negative feelings.”
According to the APA, one of the first and most important ways to address this problem is to simply be more mindful. Pay attention to the specific things that cause you stress throughout the day. Likewise, keep an eye on your usual response, as becoming angry or agitated could compound any negative feelings.
In this way, you can build a more accurate portrait of your daily work life and highlight the key reasons you may be feeling stressed. From there, select a few steps that might help make work less emotionally taxing.
Opt for a more balanced lunch
The food you eat can play a major role in how you feel throughout the day. As Harvard Medical School found, processed sugars and unhealthy foods can lead to chemical imbalances in your body that make it difficult to have a calm reaction to stressful situations. Soda, candy and other items can cause or exacerbate mood swings, anxiety or chronic stress.
Look for ways to make positive changes throughout the day. Consider drinking your coffee or tea without sugar or replace an afternoon soda with a water or juice drink. Instead of a bag of potato chips or other snack, opt for a piece of fruit or something more natural.

Make your desk more comfortable
Your work space can also cause stress in subtle ways. For example, a cluttered environment can make it hard to feel peaceful and calm. Similarly, your working conditions can be causing bodily harm which in turn changes your mood. You may not realize, but typing for many hours can cause carpal tunnel syndrome and other issues in the wrist and hand, which in turn can make you enjoy your job less. An IMAK Ergo Wrist Cushion for Keyboard provides support and makes work a bit more comfortable. Your chair or even the brightness of your monitor can also worsen feelings of stress.
Consider making your desk or office a bit more personal and inviting, too. A potted plant or framed photo can go a long way to making your work space a more enjoyable place to be.
Get active
Exercise is a great way to reduce stress, but this can be hard in an office environment. Look for opportunities to stay active during the day to limit how much prolonged time you spend at your desk. Go for a walk during your break or head to a relaxing spot to enjoy your lunch. This will give you a break from your work and help you feel more refreshed. Outside of work, regular physical activity can combat any negative feelings you build up throughout the day. An already busy schedule can make it difficult to find time for any workout, but even a few minutes of yoga, walking or other light exercise can be instrumental in reducing chronic anxiety or stress.