On April 8, our coworker and friend, Ian Ackroyd, took the naturalization test and was sworn in as an American citizen, alongside his wife, Clare. Brownmed celebrated with a lunch of tavern sandwiches, baked beans, chips, salads and a delicious cake.
It looks like we will continue to be reminded of Ian’s country of origin through certain phrases – reversing (backing) the cah (car) out of the garriage (sounds a lot like carriage, but it’s garage), checking under the bonnet (hood of the cah), storing something in the boot (trunk of the cah), taking out the rubbish (garbage), having a biscuit (cookie), talking to his Mum (Mom), or hearing about vitamins (with a short “i”).
That’s okay, Ian. We’ll put up with trying to understand the “Queen’s English”, because
we are so proud of both you and Clare on becoming U.S. citizens!